Printable Activity Books Makes Learning Creative, Fun, & Personal: It's Educational Play
A great suggestion for making your own printable activity books or printable coloring pages is found at Best Childrens Books.
The site's author, a writer himself, values creative expression. He wants children to be as creative as possible while having fun and learning. I like his ideas!
Check out the above link, then continue on to discover just how creative one writer of childrens educational books can be.
Fun Activity Books & Learning Too
What about printable activity books that include both print out coloring pages AND pages where kids can illustrate, draw, and create their own pictures?
I'm suggesting printable childrens books that are similar to what the above author suggests (you did check out the link, didn't you?) YET adds border designs that kids can color in as well as the blank spaces to create their own drawings.
Wouldn't these be fun, learning activity books for kids?
Kids become the illustrators for the stories, thus nurturing both their artistic self-expression as well as building their confidence.
PLUS, kids need to use their critical thinking skills to come up with drawings that best reflect the words on each page.
Combining reading, coloring, drawing, thinking with character education (if that happens to be the theme of the story), then you have exceptional printable activity books.
Printable kids activity books are not only fun for kids, they are teaching tools as well.
For example, Read-Me, Draw-Me Books, a term I coined in 1992, allow kids to draw illustrations on each page of a picture book quality story but without the pictures. (Sounds like what the author suggested above).
Kids illustrate their own pictures based on their understanding of the words on each page.
BUT, I've added border designs that can be colored, thus giving kids a bit shy and reluctant to start drawing, an entry onto the page, making it less scary for some kids.
Border designs on each page provide inspiration and give kids ideas on how to illustrate the pages.
Thus, these printable activity books allow kids to express their creativity and individuality as they choose. This freedom of expression builds boldness and confidence.
These learning activity books may not be for all kids, as some kids will be reluctant to try to draw their own illustrations if they're unaccustomed to doing so.
Yet, the border designs are a first step in helping kids create a sense of accomplishment.
It's up to the teacher or parent to encourage your child to draw, emphasizing that there is no right or wrong illustration.
Kids who learn to face their fears and move forward anyway often turn into adults who live with less fear and anxiety about trying new things, about change.
We know as adults that life is constant change, and no one knows this better than moms. Helping kids become more accustomed to change by facing their fears head and heart on is a great gift you can offer your kids. And our...
Art Activity Books
are the perfect vehicle for you.
One artist/author has created a unique series of books, all similar in title to the first one: The First Anti-Coloring Book: Creative Activities for Ages 6 and Up (Anti-Coloring Book) (Paperback)
Although these are not printable activity books, they are excellent for creative children who love to draw and illustrate.
Check out Anti-Coloring Books and then return here for printable activity books and pages.
If your child likes to both color and draw, here are sample pages from Bingo and Bonner, A Read-Me, Draw-Me Book.
She gets the opportunity to color in border designs of a picture book story without the pictures; then, she creates her own drawings based on her understanding and interpretation of the words on each page.
This is the first of my printable activity books . Here is the beautiful 4 color cover that provides further inspiration for kids drawing activities. |  |
Bingo and Bonner has a supplemental homeschooling unity study on friendship, which reviewers are raving about.
Here's further information or to purchase this printable activity book.
For another page from an art activity book that allows kids to create their own illustrations, see our printable coloring page. (Scroll down half way and you'll find links to the first 3 pages from Joey's Cabbage Patch).
Art activity books such as Joey's Cabbage Patch, scheduled for release Spring, 2009, nurture kids' artistic abilities while developing critical thinking skills.
Children decide what is most important for them to express through their illustrations. How the child illustrates each picture demonstrates their skills at understanding what is being said and translating that into a picture.
Thus, these art activity books are ...
Learning Activity Books as Well
Combining art and reading creates a learning environment. The meaning of the story sinks further into the child's consciousness by expressing their understanding through their own illustrations.
It has been conclusively proven by educators that whole language learning, i.e., combining various types of learning at the same time, reinforces the total learning.
Printable activity books that are learning activity books allows the parents or teachers to know they have succeeded in offering their kids the best learning materials available. And they're fun as well!
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