Lesson Plans for Character Education that Empower Kids for Success

I love creating empowering lesson plans for character education that kids need to move through life comfortably, confidently, calmly.

"Who are you kidding? My kid will never be calm. She's a whirlwind."

Of course she is, now.

But as she learns from and experiences the benefits of these 3 lesson plans for character education, some change will occur someday.

You are simply planting seeds of change now, you won't necessarily see the results immediately.

Like a garden, seeds take time to grow.

The first lesson plan about character education covers gratitude.

Follow these steps for optimum success:

  1. Have your child buy what I call a Gratitude Notebook , which is any blank book with pages where she can record her Gratefulness Inventory and other things. A Gratefulness Inventory is where she lists what she is grateful for.
  2. Have her check out gratitude character education for the definition of gratitude.
  3. Then, discuss with her the important role gratitude plays in a person's life. Whether we're grateful for our bodies and all the jobs it does for us without us having to ask, or for the eyes we have to read this web page, each of us has more to be grateful and thankful for than we may realize.
  4. Next, have her write 3-5 things in her Gratitude Notebook in the section entitled Gratefulness Inventory. Have her leave plenty of pages, as she'll be adding to this list daily.

    She has to write short sentences, i.e., I'm grateful for my _________.

  5. Have her fill in the inventory for a week, then have her share with you 3 things she's grateful for.
  6. Do this twice a month for a year and see the change in your daughter.

This is one of the most empowering of all lessons for character education, because gratitude plays a big role in a person's life.

For more details about expressing gratitude, visit character education programs.

How Important Are Character Education Traits in Children's Lives? Ask President Elect Barack Obama!

Do you possess or know about a great character trait that empowers kids to see possibility in life?

Mr. Obama certainly knows his grandmother instilled in him empowering character education lessons.

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