Authors of Childrens Books Sharing Insights, Inspiration, Fun, Empowerment, Wisdom, The List Goes On

Have you ever met any authors of childrens books? Did you notice a twinkle in their eyes, a strange smile, not cocky or overconfident, just, well, strange. Hard to describe.

Other childrens books authors are outgoing extroverts. They can't seem to shut up (they're locked away in their writing rooms, alone, pounding the keyboard, editing or re-writing over and over). Their books are their babies, they want her to be a work of art, a masterpiece.

Whether authors of childrens books are writing childrens books, researching books, or giving away free childrens books, most authors feel obligated to their readers, whether it's mom reading aloud or a child reading her first personalised childrens book.

One of my dreams for Childrens Educational Books is to attract authors who rave and then rant about aspects of childrens book writing, about publishing childrens books, online childrens books, and if we're really blessed, how to write childrens books.

Authors will talk about the difficulties and the challenges they encounter in pursuing their dream of being a published author, whether that means pursuing self-publishing childrens books.

I'm Inviting childrens books authors to share info about their writing craft, so anyone reading this, whether aspiring young writer or seasoned old pro, knows other authors' truths.

I'm envisioning a resource, possibly a small directory, of childrens authors who feel inspired by their profession and are passionate about their writing and their books.

"How would an author benefit by sharing her wisdom on this site?", you might be wondering.

Excellent question!

Exposure to eager readers craving for authentic authors who make themselves somewhat available.

A link back to the author's website so she can share more in depth about writing and sell her books.

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